Thursday, May 20, 2010

More of the Same

Well our yard is a complete mud, dust, concrete pit at the moment. We had some rain last week and it slowed things down a bit but they are supposed to be plastering and tiling tomorrow. We have had typical spring weather here, I guess with major thunderstorms, flash floods and oh yea, tornado warnings. It still has been hot and the kids are dying to jump in the pool. After one rain shower there was still water left in the pool and Maddox wanted to go for a swim, sorry bud, it's not ready yet!

We have the first pics of tile laid on the hot tub and around the edge of the pool...

We interrupted the mating of two Geckos and Maddox had a playmate for the day, he loved it. Too bad I think there will be a decline in the gecko population now.

Soccer Awards: Don't they look thrilled!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Digging Begins

It's a little scary to see half of our yard torn up, but the kids are already wanting to jump into the deep hole that is soon to be out there! More pictures to come...

Sports, Sports, Sports

Does ballet qualify as a sport? London thinks so, in fact she is so active during her practices that I can't get a picture that isn't blurry from her moving so much.


Our Easter get together with Joel and Calli and their kids, Grandma and Grandpa Stanley and Abran. The kids loved the easter egg hunt and had their fill of sugar!